Farewell, 2014!
2014 was a great year. I married Mr. Right not only once, but three times (Boston City Hall, Puerto Rico and Dorchester). Trendy On A Budget hit its 2 year anniversary, broke 1500 IG followers (Yay!) and made new friends. I got promoted at work, #girlboss. I thank my lucky stars that my family is healthy. My little Bentley turns 8. I landed my dream Mansur Gavrial bucket bag thanks to Mr. Right; total icing on the cake. Throughout it all, I got so much love and support from my family and friends, old and new, including you!
As I get ready to close the chapter on 2014, I am thinking of my 2015 resolution. Patience. I need to remind myself that it is OK to slow it down and 'smell the roses'. Be patient with those around me, especially my family and friends. Patience truly is a virtue. Do you have a New Year's resolution? Do you even bother?
In closing, I wish you good health, happiness, laughter, love and success in the new year. Have a fun and safe NYE. Talk to you in 2015!
'Cheers' Confetti: The Confetti Bar c/o Bash Studio